Sunday, April 16, 2006

a positive note

in this time of great stress and transition, sometimes i need to be reminded of the things that make me happy. here are a few, in no particular order:

1. beer/alcohol in general (maybe it's not real happiness, but it's good enough)

2. having some of the most awesome friends in the world.

3. the weather.

4. long messages and mixtapes from a new friend.

5. remembering some great times over my last four years in this town.

6. sid

7. carbohydrates of all kinds.

8. sexy new shoes. apparently, i'm the impulsive shoe-buying type.

9. summer being only a few weeks away.

10. slither


Blogger Alexander said...

Enjoy numerals one through nine while you still can. Soon number ten will crash a meteor into their home planet, spear number five in the chest and spawn a race of slug filled, meat hungry zombies who will promptly slice and mangle all that you cherish… cows as well… cows will be sliced.

12:37 AM  

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