Friday, February 17, 2006

dramatic pause

riding my bike home from last call at j. brian's, i saw a kid fall off his bike and topple 8 or 10 ft from his path on a hill above the road, falling headfirst onto the asphalt. coincidence, and the fact that it was 2 am, made me the only witness. the kid was unconscious, and i had to call an ambulance.

first of all: pretty good that i wasn't the one in the back of the ambulance for a change. although, i did see the same EMT who saw me naked the first time and couldn't find a vein to give me morphine the second.

second: secretly, i was terrified. i'd never seen someone breathe like that. everything in the world slowed down while my drunkish brains churned the notion that i was the one who had to do something. and maybe i saved this kid's life a little.

third: today has been the strangest, most bi-polar rollercoaster of a day.


Blogger Tom said...

First: Fucking up at work doesn't make you crazy. Having to walk for hours by yourself every day, smoking cigarettes you hate because you love yourself but you want to die is crazy. And it's not me.

Second: What's w our blogs synching up vis a vis witnesses of human tragedy?

5:21 AM  

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