Monday, September 25, 2006


god damn i miss them.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


some things that make me feel pretty alright:
-snakes on a plane.
-"eat me from yr face. i'll be 10 minutes late". i guess you had to be there.
-riding dirty.
-instrumental post-rock and nick lachey.
-project runway.
-fall weather and sweaters!
-amazing, amazing, fucking amazing friends.

some things that make me feel much less than awesome:
-feeling lonely.
-lessthanamazing friends.
-working and subsequently being very tired. barista-ing is hard.
-being an unproductive dump.
-drinking too much.
-smoking too much.
-my bad attitude.
-the fact that i can make a bulleted list of shitty things, and that originally that was going to be the entire content of this entry, but then i decided i needed to make a counterbalancing list to remind myself that not everything was bad so i don't fall asleep all teary and depressed.