Monday, October 30, 2006



i'm bored. i'm excruciatingly unhappy. i think i have a stomach ulcer from depression or booze or maybe both. i believe in the validity of retail therapy, but soon i'm going to run out of money and room in my closet for sweaters and hats and completely impractical but unbelievably hot shoes.

i need someone. i mean, i don't need a shoulder to cry on (or maybe i do?) because i'm a very serious self-proclaimed badass, but i need someone to remind me what it is that i do. tell me to write a poem about something. give me a project. tell me a story or ask me a question. write me a letter and i'll write you back on my typewriter. send me a text. call me for lunch or buy me a drink and talk to me about something you like. let me take you for a ride in my new [!!!] car; i bought the new justin timberlake cd for us to listen to and shit is hot. you know, whatever.

i just need help standing up a little.